Code of

Showing respect for our employees is something we consider to be an important basis, as capable and hard-working employees are a key prerequisite for our success.

  • We are committed to taking care of our employees because we know that we can only be sucessful if we work as a team, and that mutual respect is essential if each of us is to develop to our full potential.
  • All employees have the right to be treated in a way that does not harm their dignity. We will not tolerate discrimination, insults, bullying or sexual harassment, as etitex is keen to cultivate a working environment that is free from any form of discrimination.
  • In such cases, we are obliged to report the matter to our managers or to Human Resources without delay.
  • In the delegation of tasks, we consider the abilities, knowledge and interests of our employees and support their further development where possible through training and additional courses. We expect every employee to make a strong personal commitment to their tasks.
  • We want to offer all employees jobs that are protected against the risk of accident or illness. We expect our employees to make active efforts to prevent accidents and illness, both in the workplace and in their free time.
  • Mutual respect and understanding for the points of view or our colleagues are essential so that we can work as partners and build up trust for one another.
  • We treat one another in an open, honest and fair way and we recognise that each of us makes our own valuable contribution.
  • Etitex will not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination or bullying in the workplace, be it on account of ethnic background, skin colour, age, gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, physical or mental impairments, pregnancy, veteran status or any other relevant characteristic that is protected through valid law. This applies regardless of the tasks or position of the employees in question within the company.
  • These principles refer to all aspects of the employment relationship, including hiring, tasks, training, promotion, remuneration, disciplinary matters or giving notice. 
  • Etitex will no tolerate any retaliatory measures against employees who raise concerns in good faith.
  • All employees and all persons who apply to etitex for a job will be treated fairly and equally in order to offer them the same posibilities for development and career opportunities.
  • Etitex expects managers to create an integrative working environment through exemplary conduct.